version control, shared, and collaborated on
history of infrastructure changes
provider "google" {
region = "europe-west1"
credentials = "${file("~/path/to/creds.json")}"
List of Terraform providers
provider "google" {
region = "europe-west1"
credentials = "${file("~/path/to/creds.json")}"
resource "google_project" "demo" {
project_id = "terraform-${var.user}"
name = "Terraform workshop"
org_id = "${var.organization_id}"
billing_account = "${var.billing_account}"
Resources for Google provider
provider "google" {
region = "europe-west1"
credentials = "${file("~/path/to/creds.json")}"
resource "google_project" "demo" {
project_id = "terraform-${var.user}"
name = "Terraform workshop"
org_id = "${var.organization_id}"
billing_account = "${var.billing_account}"
resource "google_project_services" "apis" {
project = "${google_project.demo.project_id}"
services = [""]
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm" {
project = "${google_project.demo.project_id}"
name = "user-${var.user}-first-vm"
machine-type = "f1-micro"
zone = "europe-west1-b"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"
network_interface {
network = "default"
access_config {} # Ephemeral IP
metadata_startup_script = "echo hi > /terraform_workshop.txt"
service_account {
scopes = [""]
depends_on = ["google_project_services.apis"]
terraform graph | dot -Tpng > tf_dep_graph.png
and I'm sorry 🙏
If you had to maintain my code
I hope you learned more by maintaining it
than me by writing it
Slides made with Reveal.js and hugo-reveal